Shri. Deepak L Bhagwat, General Secretary
Since more than 10 years there was a demand of a common life insurance policy for the Judicial Officers. However, for one or other reason things couldn't work out & we all continued with the same unfortunate practice of collecting money for financial assistance to the family of the deceased colleague. Yes, I use the term unfortunate practice. Indeed it was. True, it is our moral duty to give financial hand to the family of the deceased. But, consider whether the family members would be feeling it appropriate to accept the collected amount. It was only the circumstance, they lose their financial pillar which resulted into collapse of whole family livelihood source; that forced them to accept the amount. Secondly, there was no parity in the collected amount for the families of our brothers who left for heavenly abode. It was very disheartening that the amount collected for the family of some of the deceased was very meagre as compared to the amount collected for the family of some other deceased. I need not quote the instances. As such, I say that the said practice was unfortunate, sometimes humiliating or embarrassing to the families of the deceased. This was the base why we needed a common Life Insurance Policy Programme with some flexibility as to sum assured, the policy term as per individual requirement of the Judicial Officers. This is the suitable method to secure the families in case of any grief eventuality.
Today, I feel extremely proud that we, with the able guidance of the Hon. Shri Shivkumar Dige, Registrar General - Bombay High Court, have achieved this enormous task of designing and implementing the Term Life Insurance Plan exclusively for the Judicial Officers across the State of Maharashtra, the first of its kind in the Nation. I call this a journey of a thousand sMILES. I sincerely appeal to all the Judicial Officers to take the advantage of this Insurance scheme.
Apart from being proud, the sky is short for my happiness finding no words to express. All that I can say is
‘जज़्बात तो है लेकिन अल्फाज नही है’